Try to contact us? Please email us with the required information to accelerate the process (check email guidelines below). It could take up to 3 days for us to process your request.
Email: [email protected]
If you can't find your university on our website, you can email us to add your university. Please include university name, domain, country and abbr in your email. For example:
If you find a bug on our website, you can email us to fix the bug. Please include the following information in your email.
If you didn’t receive a confirmation email after registration, please check if it went to your spam folder first. You could also try to log in without activation, our system will automatically send you another confirmation email. It can take up to several minutes to receive a confirmation email after it has been sent out. If you still didn’t receive the confirmation email, please contact us to activate your account using your registered email address.
If you need to add one PI to our website, you don't need to contact us. You can Add a PI on your own after login. However, if you need to add more than 30 PIs to our websites, don't hesitate to contact us. Please provide the following information in your email.
If you find incorrect information about a university or a PI, like a university’s domain, abbreviation, PI’s name, email, department, website, etc. Please contact us by email.
If you have any questions about our website, check the FAQ page first before contacting us. If you have any suggestions about our website, feel free to send us an email, we would like to hear your feedback. Thank you!
Email: [email protected]