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PI Review Form Preview

This is a preview of our PI review form. You will need to log in to write a review on our website.

We list five aspects to better evaluate a PI. In each aspect, there are some suggested questions that may be useful for prospective PhD students. Do not limit your evaluation to these aspects and questions, and feel free to add things related to each aspect and anything else you want to share.

PI Rating Scale

  • 1 - Bad
  • 2 - Poor
  • 3 - Fair
  • 4 - Good
  • 5 - Excellent

Five Dimensions & Questions

1. Advisor Style & Mentorship
  • How often does the PI meet with you? 1:1 or all together? Daily guidance by PI or post-doc?
  • Do you consider the PI more of a ‘hands-on’ or ‘hands-off’ advisor?
  • Is the PI fairly accessible to you? Is the PI reachable and responsive to your questions? How long does it take for the PI to reply to students' emails?
2. Expectations for PhD Students
  • How many academic papers does the PI expect PhD students to publish before graduation?
  • Does the PI expect students to work late or on weekends? Or only before deadlines?
  • How long does it usually take for PhD students to graduate in your lab? How does it compare with the department average?
3. Funding & Support
  • Are you financially supported by the PI? Do you often worry about your funding and have to search for other financial sources (TA/grader)?
  • Is the PI supportive of academic activities outside the lab? How often does the PI send students to conferences or visiting other institutions?
  • Is the PI supportive of other aspects of students’ lives? Such as Visa problems and living difficulties during the pandemic.
4. Research
  • Do you think that your research field in the lab is promising? Is the PI an expert in this field? Does your research topic change frequently?
  • Does the PI tend to give students projects or have them select their own? How much freedom do you have in selecting your own projects?
  • Does the PI assign authorship appropriately and honestly to credit contributions of members when publishing papers?
5. Lab Culture
  • How do you describe the culture of your lab? Do members interact frequently in academics and in life?
  • How often do students drop out of the lab? What are the reasons? How is the rotation retention in this lab?
  • Will it be acceptable/encouraged to intern in industries during the summer?

Recommend PI

Would you recommend this PI to other graduate students? (optional)

  • Recommend
  • Unrecommend
  • Neutral
Do you want to post this review anonymously?
  • Anonymous (default)
  • Post with your username

That is all the content of our PI review form. Sign up and log in now to write your review. Thanks for your contributions!


This PI review form is designed by Jingning Zhang and revised by Hao Cui. We want to thank Hao Liang for his discussion and suggestions on the design of the review form.