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## Advisor Style & Mentorship As an undergrad in Maria’s lab, I really appreciated her supportive, flexible, and hands-on advising style. Unlike some PIs who lose track of their students’ projects or past discussions, Maria is always engaged and provides thoughtful, detailed feedback. She genuinely cares about her students’ growth and makes sure... Read More
## Advisor Style & Mentorship Practically non-existent from her, the post-docs do that but not all of them are experienced enough. ## Expectations for PhD Students The students are expected to publish and are pushed to publish to top-conferences, but there is no guidance or infrastructure. ## Funding & Support Funding is not an issue, this is the... Read More
## Advisor Style & Mentorship More independent, meeting-oriented. ## Expectations for PhD Students 2-3 first-author publications by graduation, self-driven research. ## Funding & Support Encourages self-funded work (e.g. fellowships, student-written proposals). ## Research Electron microscopy and self-assembly. ## Lab Culture Gossipy, clicky group... Read More
Advisor Style & Mentorship Professor Sidao Ni is an outstanding mentor and the best supervisor I have ever had in my academic journey. From the very beginning, he was incredibly welcoming and friendly, which made my transition as an international PhD student much easier. His ability to explain complex concepts in seismology has been invaluable,... Read More
This PI does some really impressive work, but he has a history of treating overworking students and setting some bad standards for work-life balance. If you are willing to sacrifice that to join his lab, that's OK, but just make sure to ask students in his lab how he fares relative to the mentorship guideposts from MIT provided... Read More
Honestly, just save yourself the trouble and join a different lab. He has had at least 3 graduate students leave his lab in the last 3 years and he is just an awful advisor. He is predatory and likes to get international students hooked in, and then makes you feel like you are trapped in his lab and have no options. In reality, you can always just... Read More
He's got some good qualities, but he's also manipulative and has abused his power relative to students in situations I won't get into detail about here. He also has at least one recorded incident of effectively retaliating against a student and threatening their job prospects in a phone call as the graduated student's recommender. His lab does... Read More
Following the mentorship guideposts provided by MIT ([link](https://oge.mit.edu/community-diversity/awards-recognition/committed-to-caring/mentoring-guideposts/)), Prof. Kamal is excellent. Literally every single guidepost he has demonstrated in my experience working under him, and I think most other students in his lab would definitely agree.... Read More
When he was hired by University of Michigan, his was infefinitely suspended by the university as a result of Title IX investigation in reponse to complaints about harassment, including sexual harassments. He appealed and his appeal was found without merit. Wang was found responsible for the Title IX violations. The investigation happened from... Read More
I finally decided to stand out and document the bullying incident I underwent during my graduate study at Purdue University Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Dept. and my concern on the former Purdue ECE graduate school coordinator, Dr. Michael A. Capano. The form of bullying includes false accusation, threatening... Read More