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It's terrible. Don't overrule her, believe... Read More

Posted: Review #589

## Advisor Style & Mentorship, Lab Culture Been wanting to write this review for a long time but was too worried about being deanonymized. Now that fear and cowardice has been fully surpassed by the shame and guilt of not warning future or prospective students to experience what I experienced working with Roya. She is vindictive, insecure, and... Read More

Posted: Review #588

He's got some good qualities, but he's also manipulative and has abused his power relative to students in situations I won't get into detail about here. He also has at least one recorded incident of effectively retaliating against a student and threatening their job prospects in a phone call as the graduated student's recommender. His lab does... Read More

Posted: Review #574

Following the mentorship guideposts provided by MIT ([link](, Prof. Kamal is excellent. Literally every single guidepost he has demonstrated in my experience working under him, and I think most other students in his lab would definitely agree.... Read More

Posted: Review #572

I was in Professor Wang's lab for serveral years and got well trained in his lab. He has been fully supported us even after we left the lab. He is a nice person; and has high standards in research. I had a great time in his lab. He is the best... Read More

Posted: Review #585

Honestly, just save yourself the trouble and join a different lab. He has had at least 3 graduate students leave his lab in the last 3 years and he is just an awful advisor. He is predatory and likes to get international students hooked in, and then makes you feel like you are trapped in his lab and have no options. In reality, you can always just... Read More

Posted: Review #571

Research In terms of research, he is unprofessional. He always wanted to join fields without having any deep knowledge of them. All he knew were just a few keywords. He knew many things on a surface level but lacked a deep understanding of the topics. Any expert in the subject would quickly recognize that he didn't know much, yet he acted as if he... Read More

Posted: Review #570

From what I've heard from grad students I know in her lab, she recently had 4 or 5 grad students all leave at the same time. She has a history of threatening to retaliate against students for not doing things according to her preferences, and she seems just like a bully overall. You will probably do good work in her lab, but be prepared to be... Read More

Posted: Review #573

Exploits PHD students, has a closet full of skeletons, **never heard of a lab with so many PHD students leaving** Has students do ~24 hour reaction for somthing she could have bought online for **$20**. TOXIC.TOXIC.TOXIC. Be warned she will stab you in the back. **Avoid at all... Read More

Posted: Review #576

I finally decided to stand out and document the bullying incident I underwent during my graduate study at Purdue University Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Dept. and my concern on the former Purdue ECE graduate school coordinator, Dr. Michael A. Capano. The form of bullying includes false accusation, threatening... Read More

Posted: Review #562